Free Write

I am free writing the thing that I’m gonna write is about how I almost got into an accident.So what happend is that me and my sister and my dad were going to the block and we went to go get cloths and something to eat and after we ate we went to Dave and busters we stayed there for two and a half hours when we were going to the car I said ima get in the front seat and then I started running to the car and there was one more road to go before our car when I was running to the car there was a car driving and I didn’t see him so I kept on running but instincts kicked in and I completely stoped and then I saw the car. That’s what I wrote for my free write.


Somebody I look up to as my hero is Santa Claus because every year he comes around giving everybody presents and sometimes if we’re lucky he can stop at the mall so we can say hi to him. And we can even say what we want for Christmas so he knows what we want for Christmas and we can even call him, we can calll him on the app called call Santa on the App Store and we can tell him what we want fior Christmas just in case we can’t go to the mall. That’s why he’s my hero.

Rad reading- Feb

I’ve been reading this book for a month it’s called The Drowned Cities its about the cities that are covered with water ima tell u about the book without revealing the main thing about this book.

The Drowned Cities is about a dark future about America where violence, terror, and grief touch everyone, teenage refugees Malia and mouse have managed to leave behind the wartorn lands of the drowned cities by escaping into the jungle outskirts. But when they discover a wounded half man a bioengineered war beast named Tool who is being hunted by a vengeful band of soldiers. One is taken prisoner by soldiers boys and the other is faced with an impossible decision risk to lose everything to save a friend, or flee to a place where freedom might finally be possible.

My favorite line is You cannot be blamed for trying to survive its on the back of the book.

My most favorite character is Mahlia because she is adventurous and does a lot in the book.

The reason I like this book is because the book is very adventurous and exciting.

You Can’t See Me

I am invisible, A magician has made me invisible for twenty-four hours. The first thing I would do is scaring my friend because he lives near me. I went to his house and I told him I would come to his house in ten minutes and when I got to his house I ranged the door bell and he opened the door to see no one and then I screamed and he got scared and I told him that a magician turned me invisible for twenty-four hours. And he said it’s so cool he said to me we can scare my brother Brandon. I went to his room and he was playing a game called Valerant and then I knocked on his door and he opened it and I didn’t say anything then he said “Ritchie did you knock on my door” Ritchie said “no why.” And then Brandon closed the door and then I knock the door again and then I screamed and he got scared and I told him that the magician turned me invisible. And that’s what I would do if I was invisible for a day.

Abandoned Island

It’s another day in paradise on my abandoned island and it is time to get to work, Life on an abandoned island is stressful. One day I was with my family at the beach and the I went to the water to clean my body from the sand and boom I passed out. Once I woke up I was on an abandoned island in the middle of the sea. The first thing i did is get rocks to put a sign of rocks to say help. Then the next thing I do is make a fort to protect me from the rain I cut the little trees with rocks and the I started to build it and it took me an hour. The next thing to do is to get food I would build traps for crabs and a diy fishing rod and when it pulls there’s a fish I would do that until people come to rescue me from the abandoned island. That’s what I would do if I was on an abandoned island.